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  The city where the sun first rises in Cuba emerges closed to the coasts of Santo Domingo like a touching and fanciful entrance to the sea. Quiet close to it, you may find challenging and green mountainous bulks that served as settlement for the first native Indians (aboriginals). The amazing passing of the years has made possible an increasing development. This district started being by excellence a fishing area. The ones who practice scuba diving have the privilege of getting into the "Bolsón de la Bahía" (bay) and observe once there, what's left of galleons and ships that lie in the mysterious underwater world without letting anyone take away its more than one hundred secrets. The material wealth is obtained by different ways. The production of cacao is one of the most outstanding forms. It is precisely here, where best chocolate of the country is produced in big quantities. A mixture of coconut water with honey from the bees , fruits, and sugar help us obtained the "Cucurucho"; indeed, a delicious regional typical sweet. The "Bacán" is a typical food made with dry coconuts, unripe bananas, different types of spices, pork, beef or chicken meat, and a special way of its elaboration that has passed from one generation to another one. The city is bathed by the trade winds coming from the north. Its yearly average temperature is about 26 C.° ; but we might feel relief when it is too hot because there are eight rivers of deep and crystalline waters such as: The Toa with the greatest volume of water of all with 120- km long . We can also mention the historical Duaba, through which the General Major, Antonio Maceo y Grajales landed in 1895 to fight for the Independence War. Its cultural traditions are never set aside. It's the cradle of painters, handicraftsmen, and sculptors of relevance. It is also the cradle of a great number of musicians who developed different rhythms like the immortal Cuban Son , headed by Elio Revé. The continuous contact with the past, still living in the present turns the stay in Baracoa into a unique possibility of learning things that won't ever be erased from our minds, since they would go quiet deep into our hearts.

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...Extraordinary Sportsmen. Why are Cubans such talented athletes? How many gold medals have been won? How do they train? Local sports results. Sport is Cuba's national passion, baseball is the favourite. Take a look inside Cuba's sports scene...

...Fun, fun, fun. This is our focus with this site. Night-life, dancing, beach parties, group activities. Whether you want to skydive or just visit the hot clubs, will provide you with as much 'fun' as you need! Interactive responses to your email questions available...

...Since the introduction of the # 77 foreign investment law in 1995, Cuba has become an excellent foreign investment venue. Real estate, Tourism, Hotels, manufacturing and many other sectores. Our onsite team can walk you through every aspect of an investment, from the dream to reality...

...Cuban culture, what makes the Cubans 'tick'? Racial mixes, music, art, cultures by region, food, local drinks and much more. Find out about celebrities and how they came to be.

...If you are single or a couple, you need not feel alone in Cuba. This site specifically focuses upon those people who need "a friend onsite". Take a look at the individual activities, single room rates, best "sole traveler" prices, excitement and fun. Our onsite team will "make it happen". 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

..Advice. It's free and current on this site, don't travel without printing these pages! You may not need a tour guide, when you have read these pages. Every morcel of 'advice' from various sources. Interactive questions answered immediately...

…We do our best to provide you with the most precise and updated information about Cuba. We have a diversity of topics, images, simplified search, and new pages devoted to online sales for tourists and business persons interested in investing on the island.
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